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3 Ways to Floss Teeth Correctly While Wearing Invisalign

January 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandaurora @ 9:24 pm
girl holding Invisalign aligner

Flossing with Invisalign in Aurora might seem like a difficult challenge, but the reality is that individuals who choose to straighten their teeth with clear aligners have it much easier than those with traditional braces. Working with an orthodontist who can deliver helpful tips and recommendations is the best, most effective way to keep teeth and gums healthy not only while wearing Invisalign but for a lifetime.

Preparing Teeth Before Flossing

Before beginning to floss, patients wearing Invisalign must remember to first remove the aligners and place them in a protective case. If preferred, this is a great time to soak the trays and remove any saliva and bacteria accumulated throughout the day.

After brushing teeth for two minutes using fluoridated toothpaste, the individual should plan to rinse thoroughly with a mouthwash approved by the ADA. This will remove any remaining particles that were left behind from brushing.

Ways to Correctly Floss Teeth

While aligners are still soaking, the next step is to floss. This unique task involves removing food particles and bacteria from in between teeth using waxed dental floss. Many patients find this step in the oral hygiene process challenging, but there is an easy (and correct) way to go about keeping the crevices of a smile free of plaque and tartar buildup.

After tearing off a 12-inch piece of dental floss, patients should wrap the ends around their index fingers, making sure there is at least 1 inch of floss between both fingers.

Holding the floss with their thumbs and index fingers, it should glide between teeth and create a “C” shape to clear the area around each tooth. Patients should never push or pull on the floss, as this can damage teeth and soft oral tissues.

The same step should be repeated until all teeth are thoroughly cleaned. If it has been a while since flossing last occurred, individuals should not be alarmed if the gums bleed. It is necessary, however, to be mindful of this, as it could be an early sign of gingivitis.

Once teeth are fully flossed, patients should rinse off aligners thoroughly and reinsert them into the mouth. Because of the diligence displayed in maintaining optimal oral health, Invisalign aligners will remain free of any particles that might have tried to transfer from teeth to trays.

Unlike traditional braces that often require interdental brushes and floss threaders, Invisalign makes this oral hygiene habit much easier. By simply slipping out the tray, patients are free to floss like normal without any metal brackets or wires standing in the way.

About the Practice
At Grand Dental – Aurora, we provide extraordinary, fully personalized comprehensive dental care with the help of our talented team of dental specialists, including our in-house orthodontist. Our orthodontist can work with both children and adults in order to straighten their teeth for improved quality of life. If you are interested in pursuing treatment with clear aligners, you can schedule an orthodontic consultation by visiting our website or calling (630) 538-8302.